Governor Gavin Newsom noted that judges must rule on certain CEQA challenges within 270 days under a streamlining tool.

California Governor Gavin Newsom on Tuesday praised a judge’s decision that denied a move to stop the Sites Reservoir project based on state environmental law, pointing to a streamlined legal process that led to the quick ruling.

Conservation groups had sued over the proposed reservoir, some 80 miles northwest of Sacramento, arguing that it would threaten fish and increase greenhouse gas pollution. They said the reservoir would divert water from the Sacramento River system, which has salmon and steelhead fish.

The groups had argued that the Yolo County Superior Court judge in the case should determine the certification of the final impact report and project approval were invalid, as they didn’t meet the requirements of the California Environmental Quality Act, or CEQA.

Judge Samuel T. McAdam ruled in favor of the Sites Project Authority on Friday.

“California needs more water storage, and we have no time to waste — projects like the Sites Reservoir will capture rain and snow runoff to supply millions of homes with clean drinking water,” Newsom said in a statement. “We’re approaching this work with urgency, everything from water storage to clean energy and transportation projects.”

Newsom also pointed to a project streamlining tool he used which requires judges to rule on CEQA challenges within 270 days, when feasible. McAdam issued his ruling in under 150 days.