Doheny Ocean Desalination Project

Doheny Ocean Desalination Project

The Doheny Ocean Desalination Project in Dana Point would create a new, reliable, local, and drought-proof water supply of five million gallons per day for Southern Orange County, a region that is now nearly entirely dependent on imported water supplies. The plant would also provide emergency water supplies should the delivery of imported water be disrupted due to earthquakes or other natural disasters.

South Coast Water District, the project’s lead agency, designed the plant’s water intake system innovatively placed below the ocean floor, allowing it to avoid impacts to ocean life that has hampered the approval of other ocean water recycling plants. This led to the approval of the Doheny plant by the California Coastal Commission.  Construction is expected to begin after final regulatory approvals are received from other state and federal agencies.

Sustainable Water Supply

The proposed seawater desalination facility will provide 50 million gallons of water per day (50 MGD) to Orange County residents .

Environmentally Senstivie

The project is committed to neutralizing it's carbon footprint, protecting the ocean environment and aquatic life and delivery safe and reliable water.

Economic Impact

The project has created over 2000 jobs and will provide millions of dollars of economic stimulus to the surrounding community over the life of the facility.

For more information on the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project, click here.