08 Dec Delta Conveyance Project Final EIR
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) is today releasing the Final Environmental Impact Report to public agencies that commented on the Draft EIR, per the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).* Proposed responses to comments, as well as the Final EIR and accompanying informational resources, can be accessed at www.deltaconveyanceproject.com. This action signifies the last step DWR is required to take under CEQA prior to deciding whether to certify the EIR and approve the proposed project.
The Final EIR was prepared by DWR as the lead agency to comply with the requirements of CEQA. The Final EIR is presented in two volumes: 1) the contents of the entire Draft EIR, as revised, and 2) all comments received on the Draft EIR and responses to substantive comments.
At the conclusion of the CEQA process, DWR will determine if the Final EIR has been completed in compliance with CEQA and whether to certify that the Final EIR reflects DWR’s independent judgment and analysis. Following certification of the Final EIR, DWR would then determine whether to approve the proposed project, an alternative or no project. Learn more about the CEQA process here.
The proposed project identified in the Final EIR would modernize the state’s water infrastructure in the Delta to help protect the reliability of this important water supply for 27 million Californians and 750,000 acres of farmland from earthquakes and climate-driven weather extremes.
Accessing the Final EIR
The Final EIR is available online at www.deltaconveyanceproject.com/planning-processes/california-environmental-quality-act/final-eir/final-eir-document.
Informational Materials and Resources
Project Planning Next Steps
- Community Benefits Program: Should DWR certify the Final EIR and approve the proposed project, DWR plans to release the Community Benefits Program Implementation Plan and Guidelines Discussion Document next year for review. There will be associated public engagement opportunities announced when that document is released.
- Additional Permitting: DWR continues to pursue additional required federal and state planning processes, including but not limited to federal and state Endangered Species Act compliance, adding points of diversion to existing water rights and Delta Plan consistency. Information and updates related to these processes can be found on the project’s permit portal website.
*DWR is releasing the Final EIR to public agencies prior to certification per CEQA requirements. While CEQA does not require—and DWR is not providing—a public comment period on a Final EIR, it does require DWR to send its proposed responses at least 10 days prior to a decision on certification of the EIR.